first of all im writing this from a french computer so i am not familiar izith the keys: i also donùt knoz zhere the period is: so ze hqd q good time in london and stayed zith the nicest guy ever right in the heart of dozntozn: we saz the tower of london and the british museum and the british library and the globe theatre and st pauls cathedral and zestminster abbey and buckingham palace: i liked st pauls the best: ze went all the zay to the top and also down into the crypt and it was just amazing: oh and we did the london eye: this is taking a long time to type because all the keys are mixed up. hey a period: you ,ust shift; oh zell: ok and i will just do lots of posting zhen we get back because this is stupid on this computer; we dont like france so much; we did the eiffel zhere the workers were on strice so we could not go to the top and we did ,usee d orsqy zhich zas reeqlly cool: we did a boat tour and notre dame which was my favorite for sure: the next day we did louvre and the walk to arc de triumph and ze went to the top and ze also did versailles: we stayed zith an amazing lady that we met from couchsurfing she zas great but lived in a totally scary area but very real paris i suppose: overall ze do not love hard bread and nasty cheese and rude people and the cold zeather: her place zas nice though but very very s,all but this place in strasbourg is a,azing: its huge and so so fancy: pictures so,eti,e zhen i can find the buttons: so it is late and iù, sorry this isnùt a better post: noz that i read it it doesznùt ,ake any sense: oh zell: also i can not find the at sign to send an e,ail to dad and say i a, ok so pleaze so,eone tell dad that iù, fine ande zill find the at sign soon: thanks:
Oh. my. gosh. This is like my favorite blog post of all times!!!!!
That's hilarious. It's sort of like you're talking with a German (or Russian?) accent.
I also love how when you try to type oh well I read oh hell :)
i love you because you make me laugh! no pain au chocolat? glad the couch surfing lady worked out:)
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